Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Well, tonight there was no training. I'm tired. So far in June, I've worked out 11 out of 14 days. This is my third day off and I feel I deserve it.
It's been me, a Miller Lite (click to view the chic fight commerical), and the Astros-Cubs (check final score with Fox Sports UAE - gotta love the internet) with Oswalt v. Greg Maddox. Love to watch Oswalt work, not a big Maddox guy, but you have to respect what he's accomplished.
Astros lead in the bottom of the 9th by one run.
My spectator sports tastes are evolving as I age and it'll probably be a topic for discussion in this blog. Used to love, I mean LOVE, the NBA. Today, the '06 Playoffs have helped get me back into the game. Am getting more into IRL, NASCAR, track, and less into the NBA, college basketball, and NHL. I do have World Cup fever and the College World Series is always a fun event - I think it's the clink of the aluminum bats. NFL, MLB, and college football are still the top three.
In an earlier post, I talked about "participatory sports." I also have "spectator" sports memories that rank like my "participatory" sports. We'll discuss that soon.
Otherwise, people are getting on Bill Clinton because he's making money. The guy could cure cancer and there would still be naysayers. The market moved up a little. And, the NHL is crowning a champion. I watched two minutes the other night to say I tuned in. Couldn't tell you a single player on either team, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.