Monday, June 19, 2006
Training News:
Ran on Sunday. It was hot. I was slow at the end. It was an out and back loop. At the turn, I was pacing for a course record. At the end, I was far from a record. I won't use the heat as an excuse, but it was 92 with 80-percent humidity. Heat index approaching 100. Hot. But, at least I was working it.
Monday was better. Did a mash-up course of about 4 miles. Mean per mile was about 8:30 with an inaccurate measurement. The course was a combination of the Westfield Terra course and the Dotel course.
News Commentary:

If you missed it, there was some rain in Houston today. Not as bad as Brian Williams made it out to be on NBC. Still an unfortunate event for many in the area. It might not be Hurricane Katrina or the "floods of epic" proportions, as was described on NBC's Nightly News, but if you're house is flooded, it's just as bad as last year's hurricanes because it affects you, not somebody you see on TV.
My biggest comment about today's rain is that flooding is going to happen based on Houston's topography, geography, geology, hydrology, and sociology. Because of the way the city is built and developed, flooding is going to happen when there's ten inches of rain in four hours. There's nothing that can be done by planners, landscape architects, or politicians. There's no way to compensate for natural events like what the area experienced today. Technology has allowed us to control many risks in our world. The intersection of humans and meteorology will usually result in a victory for the natural forces.
Ran on Sunday. It was hot. I was slow at the end. It was an out and back loop. At the turn, I was pacing for a course record. At the end, I was far from a record. I won't use the heat as an excuse, but it was 92 with 80-percent humidity. Heat index approaching 100. Hot. But, at least I was working it.
Monday was better. Did a mash-up course of about 4 miles. Mean per mile was about 8:30 with an inaccurate measurement. The course was a combination of the Westfield Terra course and the Dotel course.
News Commentary:

If you missed it, there was some rain in Houston today. Not as bad as Brian Williams made it out to be on NBC. Still an unfortunate event for many in the area. It might not be Hurricane Katrina or the "floods of epic" proportions, as was described on NBC's Nightly News, but if you're house is flooded, it's just as bad as last year's hurricanes because it affects you, not somebody you see on TV.
